After just one session, you’ll feel more in control of your budget, your savings goals and your life.

Our Services

  • Life Insurance

    Life insurance serves as a financial safeguard for your family in case of unfortunate events. It can be viewed as a commitment to securing your loved ones' future. In the event of your passing, life insurance provides a lump sum payout, offering you peace of mind that your family can settle the mortgage, clear debts, and support expenses like your children's education.

  • Trauma Insurance

    Trauma cover, often known as 'critical illness' insurance, is designed to address the challenges that can arise when a severe illness affects your ability to work. In such circumstances, maintaining financial stability for yourself and your family becomes crucial, and trauma cover offers a protective financial cushion to help you navigate these situations.

  • Medical and Health Cover

    Private health insurance provides essential protection for both you and your family, instilling a sense of assurance right from the beginning. It offers increased flexibility and the assurance of swift treatment when necessary, placing you in command of your healthcare decisions during times when you or your family require medical attention.

  • Total & Permanent Disability Insurance

    Have you ever contemplated the potential consequences for your family if you, as the primary breadwinner, were to face complete and permanent disability, rendering you incapable of working again? It may be prudent to explore Total and Permanent Disability Cover, which offers a lump sum payout in the event of such a disability, providing valuable financial support during challenging times.

  • Income Protection Cover

    Income Protection Cover, also known as income protection insurance, is a valuable insurance product that offers individuals a safety net for maintaining their income in the event of a long-term illness, disability, or any loss of income not covered by ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation). This benefit becomes effective after a waiting period of your choice and is provided for a duration that you determine, offering financial stability during times of need.

  • Accidental Injury Cover

    Suffering an accidental injury can swiftly disrupt your everyday life and your capacity to perform your job, whether you're a construction worker, office employee, or a stay-at-home parent looking after your children.

Our Principal Financial Adviser

Meet Sabby, a true insurance enthusiast! He's not just any insurance professional; he's someone who's deeply committed to helping individuals and businesses protect what matters most. Sabby's journey in the insurance world is all about dedication and a treasure trove of knowledge. What makes Sabby stand out is his genuine love for understanding the ins and outs of risk management. He firmly believes that insurance is more than just a product; it's a lifeline for people and businesses. He's on a mission to make the often complex world of insurance simpler for you. Whether it's explaining the nitty-gritty of insurance policies, finding the best coverage options, or giving a hand with claims, Sabby's dedication to his clients is rock-solid. He's here to be your friendly guide in the world of insurance, making sure you're well-informed and your future is well-protected.

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